"relaxo: After some testing, I..." <- > <@monkey:chatbrainz.org> relaxo: After some testing, I think you should be able to send the same parameter multiple times, like so `artist_mbids=f58384a4-2ad2-4f24-89c5-c7b74ae1cce7&artist_mbids=fac74c62-3e64-4fa6-86b5-7870780ccfd2` > Not ideal or very clear, I must say Ah okay. And it seems like we get 100 results per artist mbid. So i assume the results are just appended? I mean there is no calculation that we get higher scores for artists that match both seed artists. And the score for bigger seed artists is always higher than for small ones? Blind Guardian -> Iron Maiden 2166 Pascow -> Feine Sahne Fischfilet 162 For both examples I took the highest score.